Now I have come up with a new schedule that will hopefully force me to single task instead of always multitasking and never getting ahead. Multitasking is kind of like spinning your wheels in the mud.
I accidentally discovered how much time I was wasting last month when I needed to get 3 craft projects finished for Christmas. One was a painting project. I normally just try and fit extras in wherever I can but that week I decided to paint from 1-3 pm every day. Lo and behold, I finished and was also able to get my other chores done because I had scheduled them for a different time.
The new schedule is very specific in order to form the habit of doing one job at a time until completion. This is what my schedule looks like...keep in mind that I am a stay at home mom who freelances so if you work outside the home you will have to tweak your schedule to different hours.
5:30 Get up
5:30-6:30 Writing project for the day
6:30-7:00 Get myself ready
7:00-8:30 Breakfast/dishes/dress babies/kids to school
8:30-9:00 Make beds/start laundry/main floor pick up
9:30-10:00 Chore of the day
Monday~Guest Bathroom, vacuum/dust downstairs
Tuesday~Baking,deep clean kitchen
Wednesday~dust/vacuum upstairs,
Thursday~Make grocery lists, errand day
Friday~Guest bathroom wipedown, vacuum main floor, clean up laundry room
Saturday~Master bed and bath
10:00-12:00 Outings with little ones...park, museum, library, etc. Except on Tuesday when I bake they play and Thursdays we run errands.
12:00-1:00 lunch/clean up/fold a load of laundry and put away
1:00-3:00 Naps/project of the day, exercise
Project of the day
Monday~Organize one thing (closet, paperwork, drawer, toys, etc)
Wednesday~Craft project (crochet, paint, scrabook, garden)
Friday~One deep cleaning project (windows, gather goodwill items, yard, etc)
3:00-4:00 homework, snack, prep dinner
4:00-5:00 Play outside
5:00-6:00 Cook dinner while kids color, finish homework, read
6:00-7:00 Dinner/clean up
7:00-8:00 Baths/books/bed little kids
8:00-9:00 showers/books/bed big kids
9:00-10:00 Writing project if Greg is working or spend time with him.
10:00-10:30 Shower/read
10:30 Nighty night
Thought for the day~~~
Happiness is as a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but which if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.
--Nathaniel Hawthorne