"There are only two ways to live your life. One as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." -Albert Einstein

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I Thirst Thursday

As Jesus hangs on the cross, some of his last words are "I thirst." Of course, he thirst physically as his body is slowly draining of life. He is thirsty for water, probably frantic for water, but, his words have other meaning as well. Jesus thirsts for us. His desire for our love is a physical pain to him. He stands outside of our hearts and knocks, he wanders hungry, he is in prison with pain, he thirsts for our love.

We have been commanded to feed the hungry, to feed his sheep...can we do that? Can you get out of your own suffering to lift another up to him. Jesus has commanded us not to go out and love the whole world today...but, rather, to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. On Thursdays find joy in serving the least of His people. Who can you serve? Your husband-a kind gesture, your neighbor-a baked treat, a homeless man-a spare dollar, a lost soul-a smile of compassion.

Imagine on your darkest days what a little kindness would have done for you and show it to someone today.


If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.
--Mother Teresa

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