And the King shall answer and say to them, Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me.
--matthew 25:40
Sometimes we get all caught up in the feeling. We want everything to be the pinnacle of emotion and we are distraught when we don't feel the love. However, love is more than a feeling, it is more than a noun. Love is an action--an action VERB.
We are fairly certain that we have been sent here by God to learn to love. To overcome all our human-ness and learn to love, divinely. That can be a hard task in our fallen world. People are stingy and mean, they are rude and hateful. They are beaten down by hardships and crosses to bear. They are hard to love.
But, Jesus did not ask us how we feel about the least of His brothers....he asked us "what did you DO?" Love is a verb. You are called to go out and LOVE someone, not with your feelings, with your actions. Do something for the least of His brothers, do something for HIM.
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